Industrial Waste Treatment
Waste Management Industry/Traditional Plant/Okadora System
The area of waste management can be seen as a kind of battlefield. On the one side there is the enormous and complex mountain of industrial waste produced by service industries, distribution, heavy machinery, food processing, the petrochemical industry, agriculture, fisheries etc., and ranged against them is a thin red line of people working in the field of waste management. If, for some reason, these people fail to provide an adequate service for waste management, not only their clients and the processing companies will suffer, but also the general public could be thrown into panic.
Waste management services treat unwanted material produced by modern society, thus enabling mankind to enjoy a relatively prosperous and clean life. Many kinds of industrial wastes are involved, including decayed matter, liquids, solids with water content, raw garbage, fishery products, waste liquid chemicals etc. Traditionally, these materials were treated individually by the construction of exclusive apparatus or plant. However, the huge costs of construction and operation of such plants often means that it is not feasible and so these industrial wastes are brought to landfill sites. However, old landfill sites are nearing the end of their existence and new ones are increasingly hard to find. The time has come for us to end this old way of disposing of industrial waste. We can no longer just sweep it under the carpet!
Given this situation, the Okadora system is the only way to cope with industrial waste treatment. All types of industrial waste can be processed by the one unit of the Okadora system, including decayed matter, waste liquids, solid matter with water content, raw garbage, fishery products, chemical waste liquids etc. In addition, the Okadora system is capable of treating wastes containing foreign objects, without foreknowledge of such objects. A further problem is the water content of wastes, which may vary from 99% to 50%, and which may not be estimated beforehand. The Okadora system is capable of treating all industrial wastes, with a water content of 99 down to 50%. Furthermore, the Okadora system is completely non-polluting, processing the wastes without producing any waste water or hazardous smells at all. Additionally, the space needed for the apparatus is only one quarter of that needed for traditional systems.
In the case of processing liquified organic sludge
A traditional system has to run through a number of initial procedures in the processing. First of all, foreign objects may have to be removed by screening and solid particles separated by centrifuge; then there is condensing, evaporating, and finally drying or burning. On the contrary, with the Okadora system, there are no preliminary procedures. The industrial waste is collected by vacuum vehicles and then loaded directly into the Okadora Cyclone Dryer, where the waste is converted into solids. Thats all. And the ingenuity of the system means that the apparatus can be greatly simplified. This means that when it comes to comparing costs, there is a huge difference between an Okadora system and a traditional one, especially regarding construction costs, maintenance costs, and difficulty of operation.
Okadora System & Plant Outline
Okadora plant treats all kinds of wastes in the same unit, including decayed matter, liquids, solids, fishery products, raw garbage, chemical waste liquids etc. From liquid phase to solid, and from solid to marine products, the transforming process is easily managed from the control panel.
Initially, receiving tanks are installed which correspond to the type of waste material, and then the respective waste is loaded automatically for drying. For example, when a truck loaded with solid waste arrives at the plant, the waste is tipped into a receiving hopper and stored there. Then the waste is transported to an intermediate hopper by the screw fitted at the bottom of the receiving tank and then by bucket conveyor the waste is fed into the specified cyclone dryer, from where it is discharged under a constant duration time (approx. 20-60 minutes). The whole process is a continuous cycle and is managed from the control panel.
When a dried product is to be used as recycled fertilizer, then it is stored in a dried product hopper. If this dried product has a strong smell or is not considered suitable for recycling, then it is subjected to a further process during which the volume is decreased further by carbonizing through non-oxygen thermal cracking with the Okadora Super Speed Carbonizer. In this state, a carbonized product may be used for various applications. The reduction in volume down to 1/3 ~1/5 of the dried state should be seen in the light of the total reduction in volume of the ingredient of about 1/20 ~ 1/40. In the carbonizing process, the waste heat generated in the deodorant apparatus is used as a source of heating. As for waste steam containing water or any elements of strong smell from the cyclone dryer, these are conducted directly to the Teinenpi High Temperature Oxidizing Deodorizer, in which the elements of BOD and Cod are burned off completely at a temperature of 650 700 deg. C. and emitted through the chimney into the atmosphere as non-polluting elements. In this process, the remarkable thing is that not one drop of waste water is produced. The other most notable aspect of the system is the flexibility, which allows for waste liquids or material in a liquid phase to be treated in one dryer, while at the same time solid waste is treated in another.